See you next generation!

Time surely do fly so fast, and now its March already. And its a certain old friend of mine, Maurina’s birthday just around the corner. I am always mistaken that the 3rd March is her birthday, so this morning I sent a text message birthday greeting.

“Thanks, but that’s another 10 days!!”

Haha. I think I’ve mistakenly wished her happy birthday just around this time last year. March is a special month especially with Sanctuary Brunei since it exactly last year that I get myself immerse to the world of spa. Who introduced me to all this? Yours truly, It was MAURINA.

Maurina & Ideal Kawaii!

Maurina & Ideal Kawaii!

So March 2008, I thought it would be a good idea to treat Maurina for a birthday spa treatment of her choice. Back then I can’t drive, so I followed her car and off we went to Kiulap. She chose Pearl Health Care, because they do discounts for members on their birthdays so might as well just fully utilised the birthday privilege. I remembered that we chose the Foot Spa treatment which comprises of the foot soak and scrub with the foot reflexology massage.I really enjoyed my first spa treatment, although now I wouldn’t call Pearl Health Care a spa now that I have experienced a few what Brunei has to offer. Notice that Pearl Health Care was my first ever post in this blog – so now you know why!

Well Maurina, now that I have wished you a Happy Birthday today. I might as well dedicate this post to my oldest friend, Maurina!

We went to the same primary school together. We always sit right behind with each other and always comparing our lunch boxes – which one of us have the latest Disney cartoons merchandise and we shared the same love with Disney songs, I remembered our obsession with the Lion King, Pocahontas and the Hunchback of Notredame. I still remember when we were in Primary 6, just finished our PCE (back then equivalent of today’s PSR) and it was my birthday. She gave me the biggest present ever. In fact, it was the most difficult to unwrapped because she had wrapped the present with plenty of wrapping paper, so when I unwrap the paper another wrapping paper was there, so I had to unwrap layers and layers of wrapping paper before having to know what’s inside.

I have forgotten what she gave to me, but there’s this word that she said and I still remember after all this years.

“See you next generation!”

After getting the 5 As, and getting entry to a prestigious Science college – we had separate paths with her going to a separate school and then just when I thought I could meet her after finishing my A levels, getting into UBD with her. Instead, I got the scholarship to study in UK! Anyway, 4 years forward I got posted to work in a school and to my surprise Maurina is there, wearing a really bright coloured baju kurong and a big smile on her face!

And then what she said 12 years ago have dawned to me – and I feel like “See you next generation” was a promise we’ve made back in Primary 6 – we never met during our high school years or during University but we finally are reunited at a stage in our lives where some people might consider as independent adults. That’s certainly another generation, I’m glad that we finally meet. And of course now, we do have the occasional coffee and spontaneous yoga together.

Happy Birthday Maurina!

Happy Birthday Maurina!

“Maurina, Happy Birthday to You

Kau tinggal di Zoo

Makan nasi daging lembu

Tinggal sama kangaroo”

See I still remember that birthday song that you sang to me back in 1996.

Maurina you’ve been such a fun and exciting friend! Happy birthday next week! Will do come to your BBQ or birthday this time around.